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Aleksandar Gosevski


Every commit on main should have purpose


My thoughts on why committing incomplete features directly to main branch is a bad practice, even during development. Here's what I learned from working on both large team projects and side projects with friends.

Finding balance - The art of practical programming


You know what's funny about coding? We all start projects thinking we'll write the most beautiful, perfect code ever. But real life hits, deadlines come up, and sometimes we just need to make things work. Here's my story about learning to be okay with that, and what I discovered while working on an old, messy project that actually taught me something valuable about writing code.

The Mighty Ansible


I've always been fascinated by automated provisioning tools, but I often found them needlessly complicated. However, my perspective changed completely when I heard about Ansible...

Simple Grid Mixins


Grid systems can be quite complicated., the mother of all grid systems, contains over 600 lines of code! And it's one of the simpler pure-CSS grid systems...

Thoughts on CSS Frameworks


Developers often use Foundation or Bootstrap without understanding the output of their CSS code. Let me explain my perspective on these frameworks, their flaws, and when it's appropriate to use them...

Creating a fixed and fluid column layout


When it comes to designing a "one column fixed and one column fluid" layout, implementing a solution that is clean, robust, and doesn't rely on hacky techniques can be a challenge...

Spriting with Sass and Compass


As web developers have become more concerned about browser performance a technique called “image spriting” has emerged that is designed to reduce the number of requests made to the server. As it turns out, fewer requests made the server (when there is no significant difference in the combined size of the files delivered) can make a big difference in how fast a page appears to download...